



错误码 描述 语义
111111 请求失败 通用错误码
404 API Path Not Found! api不存在
500 The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. 服务内部错误
1100 Request operation returns incorrect result. 请求返回错误,一般是传递了错误参数导致操作失败,或者某些资源处在某种状态下不允许操作等
2100 Authentication failed. 身份验证失败,一般是签名不匹配。
2200 You are not authorized to access. 对于提交的操作没有权限。
2300 User balance is insufficient. 当用户余额不足时,会返回该错误,一般是购买、续费资源时提醒。
2400 Exceeding quota. 创建的资源超过配额,或者短时间内的API访问请求超过配额限制,会返回该错误。您可以通过提交工单的方式来向我们申请提高配额,并说明你申请的理由。
3200 The accessed resource does not exist or has been deleted. 试图访问不存在的资源时,会返回该错误。
4040 The Resource not exist. 资源设备不存在,如获取云主机监控,云主机不存在返回:The instance not exist
4041 No available machine regions 资源不匹配
5000 The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. 服务内部错误
5100 Server execution timeout. 服务器执行超时,或者服务器负载过高无法完成请求时,会返回该错误信息。遇到这种错误,请稍后再尝试,或者及时与我们联系。
5200 Insufficient computing resources to meet creation needs. 当我们计算资源不足以满足创建需求时,会返回该错误信息。遇到这种错误,请及时与我们联系。
6000 Get monitor url error 获取监控地址错误
6001 The time format is invalid、End time must be greater than or equal to start time、Must be within 30 days、Start time is less than device creation time and must not be greater than end time 请求的监控时间不符合要求
7000 Request was denied due to request throttling. 因请求限制而被拒绝
8001 Get UserId By Ak failure!、Get UserInfo failure、Cannot be used without real-name verified、The parameters used generate a signature check error api不存在、签名错误
9000 The mandatory parameter XXX is missing. 请求的XXX参数问鼎仙途听书软件为空
9001 The request contains Invalid parameter. 请求参数错误
9002 There are not enough instance quotas、There are not enough Ip quotas、There are not enough volume quotas、There are not enough quotas to mount disk 资源配额不足
9003 Get QuotaItems Error 获取资源配额失败
100001 请求头参数值为空 请求头参数值为空
100002 get参数值为空 get参数值为空
100003 body参数值为空 body参数值为空
100004 网关访问路径不正确 网关访问路径不正确
100005 您无权访问该网关地址 您无权访问该网关地址
100006 网关请求动作错误或者接口不存在 网关请求动作错误或者接口不存在
100007 登录信息过期 登录信息过期
100008 密钥key为空 密钥key为空
100009 加密串为空 加密串为空
100010 用户未实名认证 用户未实名认证
100011 CSRF验证不通过 CSRF验证不通过
100012 请求后端服务数据未指定解析类型 请求后端服务数据未指定解析类型
100013 网关请求认证方式错误 网关请求认证方式错误
100014 网关请求签名验证失败 网关请求签名验证失败
100024 参数为空 参数为空
100025 请求信息错误。 请求信息错误。
100026 配置数据有误 配置数据有误
120001 无订单数据 无订单数据
120002 订单数据有误 订单数据有误
120004 订单无对应资源数据 订单无对应资源数据
120005 当前产品存在未完成的订单,无法生成新订单 当前产品存在未完成的订单,无法生成新订单
120006 订单数据有误,优惠券不存在 订单数据有误,优惠券不存在
120007 订单数据有误,优惠券使用次数达到上限 订单数据有误,优惠券使用次数达到上限
120008 账户余额不足 账户余额不足
120009 超出限制 超出限制
120010 欠费停止服务 欠费停止服务
120011 欠费回收资源 欠费回收资源
120012 当前IP存在未完成的订单,无法更换IP 当前IP存在未完成的订单,无法更换IP
112000 用户秘钥不存在 用户秘钥不存在
113001 子账户秘钥不存在 子账户秘钥不存在
113002 无操作权限 无操作权限
130001 云手机订单类型不正确 云手机订单类型不正确
130002 云手机数据中心不存在 云手机数据中心不存在
130003 云手机产品型号为空 云手机产品型号为空
130004 云手机数量为空 云手机数量为空
130005 用户id为空 用户id为空
130006 网络包产品型号不存在 网络包产品型号不存在
130007 网络包产品型号id为空 网络包产品型号id为空
130008 网络包产品型号id为空 网络包产品型号id为空
130009 专属网络ip数量为空 专属网络ip数量为空
130010 专属网络ip共享数量为空 专属网络ip共享数量为空
130011 云手机购买时长为空 云手机购买时长为空
130012 APP不存在 APP不存在
135000 用户配额耗尽 用户配额耗尽
136000 正在处理中 正在处理中
300001 机房id问鼎仙途听书软件为空 机房id问鼎仙途听书软件为空
120002 云手机镜像id问鼎仙途听书软件为空 云手机镜像id问鼎仙途听书软件为空
100028 机房参数为空 机房参数为空
100027 机房参数不正确 机房参数不正确
100024 参数 [ paramName ] 为空 参数为空
100030 参数 [ paramName ] 格式不正确 参数格式不正确
100031 参数 [ paramName ] 值不匹配 参数值不匹配
100032 参数 [ paramName ] 值太长/太短/太大/太小 参数值太长/太短/太大/太小
100033 参数 [ paramName ] 值所属资源不存在 参数值所属资源不存在
100023 设备正在进行某个任务,无法再执行其他操作 设备正在进行某个任务,无法再执行其他操作
50003 App文件解析失败 App文件解析失败
136001 该专属网络 [ xx.xx.xx.xx ] 只剩 [ n ] 个可分配,加入该专属网络的云手机数量 [ m ] 已超上限、格式不唯一 资源限额
136002 参数 [ Id ] 值所属资源尚未到期 资源未到期
300004 云手机状态不允许转移分组、格式不唯一 操作不允许执行


错误码 描述 语义
InsufficientDeposit Failed to create on-demand resource, due to insufficient deposit in your account. 账户余额不足,无法创建按量付费资源
ActionDenied.Refunding The resource is under refunding process, such action is not permitted. 您的{0}正在退款审核中,无法执行{1}操作
NotFound.Action Action does not exit. 不存在此操作
MissingParam.Date The mandatory parameter Date is missing. 时间参数问鼎仙途听书软件为空
InvalidParam.DateFormat Invalid date format, ought to be UTC format. eg: 2015-01-22T12:11:11 +0800 时间参数格式错误,UTC时间格式:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss Z,例如 :2015-01-22T12:11:11 +0800
InvalidParam.DateExpired The specified Date value has expired. 客户端所传时间已经超时
MissingParam.UserAK The mandatory parameter UserAK is missing. 参数 UserAK 问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.Signature The mandatory parameter Signature is missing. 参数 Signature 问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.UserId The mandatory parameter UserId is missing. 参数 UserId 问鼎仙途听书软件为空
AccessDenied You are not authorized to access. 您没有访问权限
InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. 服务器内部错误
RequestError The request contains Invalid parameter. 请求参数错误
NotFound.InstanceProduct The specified product of instance does not exist. 云主机对应的产品型号不存在
NotFound.VolumeProduct The specified product of volume does not exist. 云硬盘对应的产品型号不存在
NotFound.IpProduct The specified product of IP does not exist. IP相关的产品型号不存在
NotFound.RouterProduct The specified product of router does not exist. 路由器相关产品型号不存在
NotFound.CLBProduct The specified product of load balancer does not exist. 负载均衡器相关产品型号不存在
NotFound.Product The specified product does not exist. 产品型号不存在
MissingParam.Password The mandatory parameter Password is missing. 密码问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.Enable The mandatory parameter Enable is missing. 是否启用问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.Port The mandatory parameter Port is missing. 端口问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.Name The mandatory parameter Name is missing. 名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.RequestId The mandatory parameter RequestId is missing. 请求ID问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.RequestStatus The mandatory parameter RequestStatus is missing. 请求状态问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.Region The mandatory parameter Region is missing. 机房标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.PayType The mandatory parameter PayType is missing. 支付类型问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.Period The mandatory parameter Period is missing. 包年包月下时间问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.Cidr The mandatory parameter Cidr is missing. CIDR问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.ProductModelId The mandatory parameter ProductModelId is missing. 产品型号标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
ProbationPeriodLimitError The period must be less than {0} days under probation. 试用情况下,时间必须小于{0}天
NotFound.Region The specified region does not exist. 机房不存在
NotFound.PayType The specified PayType does not exist. 支付类型不存在
DeleteDenied.PayType The resource can not be deleted while the PayType is PREPAID or PROBATION. 包年包月和试用下资源问鼎仙途听书软件被删除
PricingError An error has occurred under pricing process. 计费发生错误
DateFormatError The format of date is incorrect. 时间格式错误
CloseTimeMustAfterDue The close time must be later than or same as the due time. 关闭时间必须要晚于或等于到期时间
DueTimeMustAfterCurrent The due time must be later than the current time. 过期时间必须大于当前时间
PayTypeNotSupported The specified paytype is not supported. 支付类型不支持
RenewDenied.UserLevel The Normal user can not renew specified resource. 普通用户问鼎仙途听书软件续费该资源
SupportOnlyProbation Only the probation resources are supported. 仅支持支付类型是试用的资源
RenewDenied.Resource The specified resource can not be renewed. 资源不支持续费
EndTimeMustAfterStart The end time must be later than the start time. 结束时间必须要大于开始时间
DescribeLengthLimit The length of Describe must be less than {0}. 描述问鼎仙途听书软件超过{0}个字符
NameLengthLimit The length of Name must between {0}-{1}. 名称长度只能在{0}-{1}之间
UuidLengthLimit The length of Uuid must be less than {0}. 底层uuid问鼎仙途听书软件超过{0}个字符
PasswordLengthLimit The length of Password must between {0}-{1}. 密码长度只能在{0}-{1}之间.
KeyLengthLimit The length of Key must between {0}-{1}. key长度只能在{0}-{1}之间
ValueLengthLimit The length of Value must between {0}-{1}. value长度只能在{0}-{1}之间
OpetionValueLimit The param {0} must in {1}. 参数{0}必须在{1}中
MissimgDelayUnit The unit of delay can not be missing. 延期单位问鼎仙途听书软件为空
CountMinLimit The minimum value of Count is {0}. Count最小为{0}.
CountMaxLimit The maximum value of Count is {0}. Count最大为{0}.
PortMinLimit The minimum value of Port is {0}. 端口必须大于等于{0}.
PortMaxLimit The maximum value of Port is {0}. 端口必须小于等于{0}.
PeriodMinLimit The minimum value of Period is {0}. Period最小为{0}.
PeriodMaxLimit The maximum value of Period is {0}. Period最大为{0}.
UserIdLengthLimit The length of UserId must between {0}-{1}. 用户标识长度只能在{0}-{1}之间
UserIdFormatError The format of UserId is incorrect. UserId需包含大写,小写字母和数字
PassFormatError The format of Password is incorrect. 密码需包含大写,小写字母和数字
MissingParam.Password The mandatory parameter Password is missing. 密码问鼎仙途听书软件为空
InvalidParam.KeyChinese The key can not include Chinese. key问鼎仙途听书软件包含中文
InvalidParam.ValueChinese The value can not include Chinese. value问鼎仙途听书软件包含中文
MissingParam.MirrorEndpoint The mandatory parameter Endpoint is missing. 服务地址问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Volume The specified volume does not exist. 云硬盘不存在
IncorrectVolumeStatus The current status of the resource does not support this operation. 当前云硬盘状态不支持此操作
Volume.ArrearOvertime The volume is overtime or in arrears. 云硬盘已超时或欠费
ExceedQuota.VolumeAttached The amount of volumes attached to instance has exceeded {0}. 云主机挂载的云硬盘数量问鼎仙途听书软件超过{0}.
VolumeAttachError An error has occurred when attaching the volume. 挂载云硬盘发生错误
VolumeDetachError An error has occurred when detaching the volume. 解挂云硬盘发生错误
VolumeCreateError An error has occurred when creating the volume. 创建云硬盘发生错误
IncorrectVolumeStatus.Task The specified volume is currently under another task, wait until it finishes. 云硬盘正在进行某个任务,问鼎仙途听书软件执行其他操作
VolumeBackupDelError An error has occurred when deleting volume backup. 删除备份发生错误
VolumeBackupError An error has occurred when backing up the volume. 云硬盘备份发生错误
VolumeCheckOffineError An error has occurred when checking volume offline. 检查云硬盘是否在线发生错误
VolumeClearError An error has occurred when clearing the volume. 彻底删除云硬盘发生错误
VolumeCreate.OnlyNormalType You can only create volumes of normal type. 只能创建普通类型的云硬盘
VolumeCreate.OnlyOneSource Volumes can only be created from either images, volumes or snapshots. 云硬盘只能从云硬盘、快照、镜像中的一个创建
VolumeCreate.SizeTooSmall The size of volume is too small. 云硬盘的size太小
MissingParam.VolumeSize The mandatory parameter Size of volume is missing. 如果是创建数据盘,size问鼎仙途听书软件为空
DeleteDenied.VolHasSnapShot The specified volume has snapshots, deleting is not permitted. 云硬盘存在快照,无法删除
VolumeExistSnapShot The specified volume has snapshots. 云硬盘已经存在快照
VolumeNotAttached The specified volume is not detached to instance. 云硬盘没有挂载到云主机上
VolumeMigrateError An error has occurred when migrating the volume. 迁移云硬盘发生错误
VolumeModifyError An error has occurred when modifying the volume. 修改云硬盘发生错误
VolumeResizeError An error has occurred when resizing the volume. 扩容云硬盘发生错误
InvalidParam.VolumeResizeSize The Parameter Size of volume must be bigger than the current one. 云硬盘新的size必须大于之前的size
VolumeCreateFromImageError An error has occurred when creating volume from image. 从镜像创建云硬盘发生错误
VolumeCreateFromImageTimeOut Timeout for creating volume from image. 镜像创建云硬盘超时
ImageCreate.VolumeMigrateTimeOut Timeout for migrating the volume when creating image. 创建镜像时迁移云硬盘超时
MissingParam.VolumeId The mandatory parameter Id of volume is missing. 硬盘标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
VolumeSizeMinLimit The minimum size of volume is {0}. 容量大小必须大于等于{0}
VolumeSizeMaxLimit The maximum size of volume is {0}. 容量大小必须小于等于{0}
MissingParam.ResizeSize The mandatory parameter Size for volume resizing is missing. 扩容大小问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.VolumeType The mandatory parameter Type of volume is missing. 后端卷类型问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.VolumeSnapshot The specified volume snapshot does not exist. 云硬盘快照不存在
SnapshotApplyError An error has occurred when applying the snapshot. 快照回滚发生错误
SnapshotDelError An error has occurred when deleting the snapshot. 删除快照发生错误
SnapshotCopyError An error has occurred when copying the snapshot. 复制快照发生错误
SnapshotCreateError An error has occurred when creating the snapshot. 创建快照发生错误
SnapshotOtherCreatingError The specified volume is creating a snapshot , please try again later. 当前云硬盘正在创建快照,请稍后
ExceedQuota.VolumeSnapshot The amount of snapshots of volume has exceeded limit. 云硬盘快照数量超出配额.
IncorrectSnapshotStatus The current status of the resource does not support this operation. 快照当前状态不支持此操作
IncorrectSnapshotStatus.Task The specified snapshot is currently under another task, wait until it finishes. 快照正在进行某个任务,问鼎仙途听书软件执行其他操作
SnapshotLocked The specified snapshot is locked. 快照被锁定
ExceedQuota.SnapshotLocked The amount of locked snapshots has exceeded limit. 快照锁定数量超过上限
SnapshotFileCannotUnlock Filelock snapshot can not be unlocked. 归档类型快照无法解锁
SnapshotModifyError An error has occurred when modifying the snapshot. 修改快照发生错误
SnapshotCreateFromImageError An error has occurred when creating the volume. 镜像创建快照发生错误
SnapshotCreateFromImageTimeOut Timeout for creating snapshot from image. 镜像创建快照超时
MissingParam.SnapshotId The mandatory parameter Id of snapshot is missing. 快照标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SnapshotCreateType The mandatory parameter CreateType of snapshot is missing. 快照创建类型问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SnapshotType The mandatory parameter Type of snapshot is missing. 锁定类型问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.OS The specified OS does not exist. 操作系统不存在
DeleteDenied.OSHasImags The specified OS has related image, deleting is not permitted. 操作系统含有镜像,问鼎仙途听书软件删除
MissingParam.OSId The mandatory parameter Id of OS is missing. 操作系统标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.OSPlatform The mandatory parameter Plattorm of OS is missing. 操作系统平台问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.OSDistribution The mandatory parameter Distribution of OS is missing. 操作系统发行版问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.OSVersion The mandatory parameter Version of OS is missing. 操作系统版本问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.OSBit The mandatory parameter Bit of OS is missing. 操作系统位数问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Host The specified host does not exist. 计算节点不存在
MissingParam.HostName The mandatory parameter Name of Host is missing. 计算节点名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.HostIp The mandatory parameter IP of Host is missing. 计算节点IP问鼎仙途听书软件为空
HostAggregateNameExist Aggregate name already exists. host聚合名称已存在
HostAggregateCreateError An error has occurred when creating the host aggregate. 创建host聚合发生错误
AggregateNoHost The specified aggregate has no host. 聚合中没有host.
NotFound.Aggregate The specified aggregate {0} does not exist. 主机聚合{0}不存在
HostAggregateHaveDetails The aggregate {0} has hosts. 主机聚合{0}下存在计算节点.
HostAggregateDelError An error has occurred when deleting the host aggregate. 删除主机聚合时发生错误
NotFound.HostMetadata The specified metadata does not exist. 指定的元数据不存在
HostMetadataNameExist Metadata name already exists. 元数据名称已存在
HostMetadataInUse The specified metadata is already in use. 元数据已在使用中
HostHaGetRecordsError An error has occurred when getting host ha records. 查找计算节点恢复故障记录时发生错误
NotFound.ProductCharacter The specified ProductCharacter of instanceserice {0} does not exist. 主机系列:{0}中某个主机特性不存在
VmHaGetRecordsError An error has occurred when getting VM ha records. 查找虚拟机恢复故障记录时发生错误
HostDisabled The host has been disabled. 计算节点已经被禁用
HostEnabled the host has been enabled. 计算节点已经被启用
HostDisableError An error has occurred when disabling the host. 禁用计算节点发生错误
HostEnableError An error has occurred when enabling the host. 启用计算节点发生错误
NotFount.HostHa The specified host Ha does not exist. 计算节点的故障恢复不存在
HostHaNotSupported The specified host does not support Ha. 计算节点不支持故障恢复
HaHostDisableError An error has occurred when disabling the Host Ha. 禁用计算节点故障恢复发生错误
HaVmDisableError An error has occurred when disabling the VM Ha. 禁用虚拟机故障恢复发生错误
HaHostEnableError An error has occurred when enabling the Host Ha. 启用计算节点故障恢复发生错误
HaVmEnableError An error has occurred when enabling the VM Ha. 启用虚拟机故障恢复发生错误
HostOutOfResource The specified host is out of resources. 资源售罄,请联系星界链客服或您的销售专员,进行咨询!
HostAggregateInUse The specified host aggregate is already in use. 计算节点聚合已被使用
HostAggregateRemoveError An error has occurred when removing host aggregate. 删除计算节点聚合发生错误
HostAggregateAddHostError An error has occurred when adding host aggregate. 增加计算节点聚合发生错误
HostAggregateModifyError An error has occurred when modifying host aggregate. 修改计算节点聚合发生错误
MissingParam.IntervalTime The mandatory parameter IntervalTime is missing. 参数IntervalTime问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.CheckCount The mandatory parameter CheckCount is missing. 参数CheckCount问鼎仙途听书软件为空
HaModifyHostError An error has occurred when modifying host Ha attributes. 修改计算节点恢复故障参数发生错误
HaModifyVmError An error has occurred when modifying VM Ha attributes. 修改虚拟机恢复故障参数发生错误
HostSyncError An error has occurred when syncing the host. 同步计算节点发生错误
MissingParam.HostAggregateName The mandatory parameter Name of aggregate is missing. 主机聚合名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.HostMetadataName The mandatory parameter Name of metadata is missing. 主机元数据名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.HostMetadataKey The mandatory parameter Key of metadata is missing. 主机特性key问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.HostMetadataValue The mandatory parameter Value of metadata is missing. 主机特性value问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.HostMetadataId The mandatory parameter Id of metadata is missing. 主机特性标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.HostAz The mandatory parameter Az of host is missing. 计算节点可用zone问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.HostAggregateId The mandatory parameter Id of host aggregate is missing. 主机聚合标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.IntervalTime The mandatory parameter IntervalTime is missing. 参数IntervalTime问鼎仙途听书软件为空
IntervalTimeMin The minimum value of IntervalTime is {0}. 检测间隔最小值是{0}
MissingParam.CheckCount The mandatory parameter CheckCount is missing. 参数CheckCount问鼎仙途听书软件为空
CheckCountMin The minimum value of CheckCount is {0}. 检查次数最小值是{0}.
MissingParam.IsoName The mandatory parameter Name of ISO is missing. ISO名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.IsoDescription The mandatory parameter Description of ISO is missing. ISO描述问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Iso The specified ISO does not exist. IOS不存在
IsoMustEnable The iso must be enabled. ISO必须是启用状态
IsoAttached The specified iso is attached to instance. ISO已经挂载到云主机
IsoAttachError An error has occurred when attaching the iso. 挂载ISO发生错误
IsoDetachError An error has occurred when detaching the iso. 卸载ISO发生错误
IncorrectIsoStatus The current status of the resource does not support this operation. 当前ISO状态不支持此操作
IsoDelError An error has occurred when deleting the iso. 删除ISO发生错误
IsoModifyError An error has occurred when modifying iso. 修改ISO发生错误
IsoSyncError An error has occurred when syncing the iso. 同步ISO发生错误
NotFound.Image The specified image does not exist. 镜像不存在
NotFound.Image The specified image of base-level does not exist. 底层镜像不存在
TemplateEnableOnlyOne Only one of the templates can be enabled. 启用的模板只能有一个
NotFound.Template The specified template does not exist. 模板不存在
IncorrectImageStatus The current status of the resource does not support this operation. 镜像当前状态不支持此操作
TemplateNotSupportHotupgrade The specified template does not support HotUpgrade. 该镜像不支持热升级.
IncorrectTemplateStatus.Task The specified template is currently under another task, wait until it finishes. 模板正在进行某个任务,问鼎仙途听书软件执行其他操作
DeleteDenied.ImageHasTemplates The specified image has related templates, deleting is not permitted. 镜像含有模板,无法删除
DeleteDenied.ImageHasInstances The specified image has related instances, deleting is not permitted. 镜像含有云主机,无法删除
ImageDelError An error has occurred when deleting the image. 删除镜像发生错误
DeleteDenied.TemplateHasInstances The specified template has related instances, deleting is not permitted. 模板含有云主机,无法删除
TemplateDelError An error has occurred when deleting the template. 模板删除发生错误
IncorrectTemplateStatus The current status of template must be normal to support this operation. 模板当前状态不支持此操作
TemplateMustBeDisabled The specified template must be disabled to support modification. 模板是禁用状态才能修改
MissingParam.TemplateId The mandatory parameter Id of Template is missing. 模板标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.TemplateEnable The mandatory parameter Enable of Template is missing. 启用标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.ImageUse The mandatory parameter Use of Image is missing. 用途问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.ImageId The mandatory parameter Id of Image is missing. 镜像标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.ImageUuid The mandatory parameter Uuid of Image is missing. 底层镜像uuid问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.KeyPair The specified key does not exist. 密钥不存在
KeyPairAttachNotInWindows KeyPair can not be attached to Windows OS. Windows操作系统问鼎仙途听书软件挂载密钥
KeyPairAttachError An error has occurred when attaching the key to the instance. 云主机挂载密钥发生错误
KeyPairDetachError An error has occurred when detaching the key of the instance. 解挂云主机密钥发生错误
DeleteDenied.KeyPairHasInstance The specified key is attached to instance, deleting is not permitted. 密钥已经挂载到云主机,无法删除
MissingParam.KeyPairId The mandatory parameter Id of KeyPair is missing. 秘钥标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.KeyPairName The mandatory parameter Name of KeyPair is missing. 秘钥名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.KeyPairEncryption The mandatory parameter encryption of KeyPair is missing. 秘钥类型问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Instance The specified instance does not exist. 云主机不存在
IncorrectInstanceStatus.Task The specified instance is currently under another task, wait until it finishes. 云主机正在进行某个任务,无法再执行其他操作
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotStart The status of specified instance must be start. 云主机必须是开机状态
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotStop The status of specified instance must be stop. 云主机状态必须是关机
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotStart The status of specified instance must be start. 云主机必须是开机状态
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotError The status of specified instance must be error. 云主机状态必须是error
InstanceLocked The instance is locked by admin. 云主机已被禁用,请联系管理员
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotStartOrStop The status of specified instance must be stop or start. 云主机状态必须是开机或者关机
InstanceCretingImage The specified instance is creating image. 云主机正在创建镜像
ImageCreate.NotFromInstance The specified instance can not create custom images. 当前云主机无法创建自定义镜像
InstanceStopError An error has occurred when stopping instance. 关机发生错误
InstanceChangeFirewallError An error has occurred when changing the firewall of instance. 修改云主机防火墙发生错误
IncorrentInstanceProductStatus.NotAdmin The specified Instance product status is not normal and the user is not admin. 云主机产品状态不正常且不是管理员。
InstanceModifyPassError An error has occurred when changing the password for instance. 修改云主机密码发生错误
InstanceModifyError An error has occurred when modifying instance. 修改云主机发生错误
InstanceQgaError An error has occurred when checking the instance's qga. 获取云主机QGA发生错误
NotFound.InstanceProductProperty The specified Product Property of instance does not exist. 云主机对应产品属性不存在
InstanceConfigNotUpgrade The configuration of specified instance is not upgraded. 配置未升级.
InstanceCreate.UpgradeUnsupported The specified instance is created before HotUpgrade is supported. 该云主机开通时间早于热升级支持时间.
InstanceUpgrade.Probation The specified instance PayType is probation, which does not support HotUpgrade. 试用类型的云主机不支持热升级.
InstanceUpgrade.NotStart The specified instance status must be start to support HotUpgrade. 热升级云主机必须处于运行状态.
InstanceUpgrade.NotSuperPC Instances of supercomputers do not support HotUpgrade. 计算增强型云主机不支持热升级
InstanceCpuUpgradeError An error has occurred when HotUpgrading CPU. cpu热升级发生错误.
InstanceMemoryUpgradeError An error has occurred when HotUpgrading memory. 内存热升级发生错误.
NotFound.InstanceSeries The specified Instance Series does not exist. 主机系列不存在.
IncorrentInstanceProductStatus The status of specified instance is overtime or in arrears. 云主机状态为超时或欠费
NotFound.InstanceVolume The specified volume of instance does not exist. 云主机对应的云硬盘不存在
NotFound.InstanceOldVolume The old volume of instance does not exist. 云主机对应老的盘不存在
InstanceVncGetError An error has occurred when describing the vnc of instance. 查询云主机VNC发生错误
MissingParam.InstanceId The mandatory parameter Id of instance is missing. 云主机标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
ISONotAttached The specified ISO was not attached to instance. ISO还没挂载到云主机
NotFound.InstanceProductOrSeries The product model of instance or instance series does not exist. 产品型号不存在或该产品型号下的主机系列与云主机对应的主机系列不存在
InstanceMigrate.SameHost Instance can not be migrated to the same host. 问鼎仙途听书软件把云主机迁移到同一个节点
InstanceMigrateError An error has occurred when migrating instance. 迁移云主机发生错误
InstancePauseError An error has occurred when pausing instance. 暂停云主机发生错误
InstanceRebootError An error has occurred when rebooting instance. 重启云主机发生错误
InstanceOverTimeOrArrearage The instance is overtime or in arrears. 云主机已超时或欠费
InstancePasswordEncyptError An error has occurred when encrypting instance password. 加密云主机密码发生错误
InstanceResizeError An error has occurred when resizing instance. 修改云主机配置发生错误
InstanceConfigDriverError An error has occurred when setting up config driver in instance. 设置config-driver发生错误
InstanceStartError An error has occurred when starting instance. 开机发生错误
IncorrectInstanceStatus.NotPause The specified Instance status is not Pause. 云主机状态必须是暂停
InstanceRecoverPauseError An error has occurred when recovering paused instance. 恢复暂停云主机发生错误
InstanceResetError An error has occurred when resetting instance. 重置云主机发生错误
ListBaselevelError An error has occurred when listing base level instance. 查询底层云主机发生错误
InstanceDelError An error has occurred when deleting instance. 删除云主机发生错误
NotFound.InstanceImage The image of specified instance does not exist. 云主机对应的镜像不存在
ExceedQuota.OndemandInstance The amount of ondemand instances has exceeded limit 按量付费云主机只能开通{0}台
InstanceCreate.OnlyOneSource The volume can only be created from either image or volume. 创建云主机只需要镜像或者源盘中的一个
InstanceCreate.FromImageNeedSysInfo Creating instance from image requires the infomation of system's volume. 从镜像创建云主机必须要系统盘信息
InstanceCreate.NeedNetwork Network is required for creating Instances. 创建云主机必须要私网
Ondemand.NotSuperPC Super computer does not support Ondemand PayType. 计算增强型不支持按量
InstanceBatchCreate.NotVolume Instance can not be Batch created from volumes. 批量创建云主机不支持从源盘创建
InstanceCreate.MustImage Instances must be created from images. 云主机必须是从镜像创建的
InstanceCreate.OneNetwork Only one Network is needed when creating an Instance. 创建云主机只需要一个私网
InstanceCreateError An error has occurred when creating instance. 创建云主机发生错误
InstanceSetPortError An error has occurred when setting up broadband or firewall for instance. 设置带宽或者防火墙发生错误
InstanceFloatIpExist Float-IP exists in specified instance. 浮动IP已经存在在云主机
InstanceInterfaceExist Interface exists in specified instance. 云主机已经存在网卡
MissingParam.InstanceType The mandatory parameter Type of instance is missing. 配置问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.InstanceSeries The mandatory parameter Series of Instance is missing. 主机系列问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.InstanceNum The mandatory parameter Num of instance is missing. 云主机数量问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.InstanceSnapshot The specified instance snapshot does not exist. 云主机快照不存在
InstanceSnapshotOtherCreatingError The specified volume is creating a snapshot , please try again later. 云硬盘正在创建快照,请稍后
ExceedQuota.InstanceSnapshot The amount of InstanceSnapshots has exceeded limit. 云主机快照创建数量超出配额
IncorrentInstanceStatus.NotSnapshot The current status of specified Instance restricts Snapshot. 云主机当前状态限制云主机快照的使用
MissingParam.InstanceSnapshotId The mandatory parameter Id of instancesnapshot is missing. 云主机快照标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Flavor The specified Flavor does not exist. 云主机配置不存在
FlavorExist Flavor already exist. 相同的云主机配置已经存在
FlavorCreateError An error has occurred when creating flavor. 创建云主机配置发生错误
FlavorDelError An error has occurred when deleting flavor. 删除云主机配置发生错误
DeleteDenied.FlavorHasInstance The specified Flavor has related instance, deleting is not permitted. 云主机配置有相关的云主机,无法删除
MissingParam.FlavorId The mandatory parameter Id of Flavor is missing. 云主机类型标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
EipBandwidthLimitError The bandwidth of {0} Eip must between {1} and {2}. 当前机房{0}带宽仅限{1}M-{2}M
IncorrentEipProductStatus The product-status of Eip must be normal. ip必须是没有欠费或者过期
IpNotLegal The ip{0} is not legal. ip{0}格式不合法。
IpNotInCidr The ip{0} is not in subnet's cidr. ip{0}不在私有网络{1}对应子网的cidr范围内。
ExceedQuota.Eip The amount of Eip of specified instance has exceeded {0}. 云主机只能绑定{0}个公网IP
EipNotEnoughResource Insufficient Eip resources. 公网IP资源不足.
InstanceEip.OneType Instance can only associate with one type of eip. 同一个云主机只能绑定一种类型的IP
EipBatchNoCoupon Batch operation of Eip does not support coupon policy. 批量操作不支持优惠券
NotFound.Eip The specified Eip {0} does not exist. Eip{0}不存在
IncorrectEipStatus.NotAvailable The current status of Eip {0} does not allow such operation. 当前状态的ip{0}问鼎仙途听书软件被使用
EipNotAllocated The Eip {0} is not allocated. ip{0}没有被购买
EipNetworkNotMatch The Eip {0} does not match the subnet. ip{0}不匹配对应的子网
EipAssociateOnlyOne Only one Eip can be assigned. 只能绑定一个IP
InstanceEipLimit The amount of Eips attached to instance is limited to {0}. 云主机只能绑定{0}个公网IP
EipAttachError An error has occurred when attaching ip. 挂载ip发生错误
EipBandZero The bandwidth of Eip can not be zero. 带宽问鼎仙途听书软件为0
EipBandUnchanged The bandwidth must be different from the old one. 带宽值未做更改
FloatIpDetachError An error has occurred when detaching Floatip. 解绑浮动IP出错
InvalidParam.IpFormat The ip must be ipv4 format. ip格式必须是ipv4.
EndIpBiggerThanStartIp End-ip must be bigger than Start-ip. 结束IP必须大于开始IP
StartIpEndIpNoInCidr Start-ip and end-ip are not in the same Cidr. 开始IP和结束IP不在同一个Cidr之内
IpAllocateError An error has occurred when allocating ip. 购买分配IP发生错误
GetMacIpError An error has occurred when retrieving mac Ip. 获取mac地址出错
CidrFormatError The Cidr format  is incorrect. CIDR必须符合规范
IpFormatError The ip format  is incorrect. IP格式错误
EipAllocated The ip {0} is allocated. ip{0}已经被购买
FloatIpExistInVm One of the VMs on network {0} has floating ip. 私有网络{0}下的vm绑定了浮动ip,请先解绑。
FloatIpExistInIronic One of the Ironics on network {0} has floating ip. 私有网络{0}下的物理云主机绑定了浮动ip,请先解绑。
IpDelFloatIpError An error has occurred when deleting float-ip. 删除浮动IP发生错误
IpOnlyOne Only one Ip is needed in parameters. ip参数只能有一个
EipBandwidthMaxLimit The maximum eip bandwidth is {0}. 带宽最大值只能是{0}.
EipBandwidthMinLimit The minimum eip bandwidth is {0}. 带宽最小值只能是{0}.
MissingParam.Ip The mandatory parameter Ip is missing. IP地址问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.StartIp The mandatory parameter StartIp is missing. IP开始地址问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.EndIp The mandatory parameter EndIp is missing. IP结束地址问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.IpBandwidth The mandatory parameter Bandwidth of ip is missing. IP的带宽问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.EipGroupId The mandatory parameter Id of Eip-group is missing. Eip组标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Firewall The specified firewall does not exist. 防火墙不存在
NotFound.DefaultFirewall The specified default firewall does not exist. 默认防火墙不存在
InvalidParam.FirewallName The name of a firewall can not be default. 防火墙名称问鼎仙途听书软件是default
FirewallCreateError An error has occurred when creating firewall. 创建防火墙发生错误
FirewallDelError An error has occurred when deleting firewall. 删除防火墙发生错误
DeleteDenied.DefaultFirewall The normal user can not delete default firewall. 普通用户问鼎仙途听书软件删除默认防火墙
FirewallInUse The speified firewall is already in use. 防火墙已被使用
FirewallModifyError An error has occurred when modifying firewall. 修改防火墙发生错误
MissingParam.FirewallId The mandatory parameter Id of firewall is missing. 防火墙标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.FirewallName The mandatory parameter Name of firewall is missing. 防火墙名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.FirewallRulePort The mandatory parameter Port of FirewallRule is missing. 防火墙规则端口问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MaxPortBiggerThanMinPort the max port must be bigger than the min. 结束端口必须大于起始端口
FirewallRuleMinPort18 The icmp min port must be bigger than 18. 起始端口必须大于18
FirewallRuleMaxPort15 The icmp max port must be bigger than 15. 结束端口必须大于15
FirewallRuleExist The specified firewall-rule already exists. 相同的防火墙规则已经存在
FirewallRuleCreateError An error has occurred when creating firewall-rule. 创建防火墙规则发生错误
FirewallRuleDelError An error has occurred when deleting firewall-rule. 删除防火墙规则发生错误
NotFound.FirewallRule The specified firewall rule does not exist. 防火墙规则不存在
FirewallRuleModifyError An error has occurred when modifying firewall-rule. 修改防火墙规则发生错误
MissingParam.FirewallRuleDirection The mandatory parameter Direction of firewall-rule is missing. Direction问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.FirewallRuleprotocol The mandatory parameter Protocol of firewall-rule is missing. Protocol问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.FirewallRuleRemoteIpPrefix The mandatory parameter RemoteIpPrefix of firewall-rule is missing. RemoteIpPrefix问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.FirewallRuleEnabled The mandatory parameter Enabled of firewall-rule is missing. 是否启用问鼎仙途听书软件为空
FirewallRulePriorityMinLimit The priority must be higher than {0}. 优先级必须大于等于{0}.
FirewallRulePriorityMaxLimit The priority must be lower than {0}. 优先级必须小于等于{0}.
MissingParam.FirewallRuleId The mandatory parameter Id of firewall is missing. 防火墙规则标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Network The specified network does not exist. 网络不存在
NotFound.NewNetwork The specified new network does not exist. 新的网络不存在
NotFound.Subnet The specified subnet does not exist. 子网不存在
NotFound.NewSubnet The specified new subnet does not exist. 新的子网不存在
NetworkNoRouter The specified new network is not conected to a router. 新的网络未连接路由器。
NotFound.OldNetwork The specified new network does not exist. 新的网络不存在
NotFound.OldSubnet The specified old subnet does not exist. 旧的子网不存在
NotFound.DefaultNetwork The specified default network does not exist. 默认基础网络不存在
DefaultNetworkExist The specified default network already exists. 默认网络已经存在
MissingParam.NetworkId The mandatory parameter Id of network is missing. 网络标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NetworkCreateError An error has occurred when creating network. 创建网络发生错误
NetworkModifyError An error has occurred when modifying network. 修改网络发生错误
NetworkDelError An error has occurred when deleting network. 删除网络发生错误
NetworkCidrOverlap The specified cidr overlaps with an existing cidr of network . 网络的cidr与已存在于网络的cidr重叠
NetworkIpMustInCidr the start ip and end ip must be in the range of cidr. 起始IP和终止IP必须包含于Cidr范围之内
NetworkGatewayNotInCidr The gateway is not in the range of cidr. gateway 不在Cidr范围之内
NetworkGatewayNotInIp The gateway is not inbetween the start ip and the end ip. gateway 不在起始IP和终止IP之间
NetworkDnsFormatError The format of dns is incorrect. dns格式错误
NotFound.InterfaceNetwork The specified network of interface does not exist. 网卡对应的网络不存在
NotFound.ExtNetwok The specified ext-network does not exist. 外网不存在
NotFound.DefaultExtNetwok The specified default ext-network does not exist. 默认外网不存在
SubnetNotSystem The subnet's type must be SYSTEM. 子网类型必须是SYSTEM
SubnetNotExtranet The subnet's type must be EXTRANET. 子网的类型必须是EXTRANET.
NetworkCidrFormatError The format of cidr is incorrect. cidr格式错误
SubnetCreateError An error has occurred when creating subnet. 创建子网发生错误
SubnetDelError An error has occurred when deleting subnet. 删除子网发生错误
IpNotInNetwork The start-ip and end-ip not in range of subnet. 开始IP和结束IP不在对应网络的范围之中
DefaultNetworkCreate.NotAdmin Admins can not create default networks for themselves. 管理员不可以为自己创建默认网络
NetworkCidrOverlap The cidr of custom network overlaps with the cidr of default network. 添加私有网络的cidr与默认私有网络的cidr有重叠
NetworkType.NotIntranet The specified network of current type does not support intranet. 网络类型不支持intranet
NotFound.DefaultExtSubnet The specified default ext-network subnet does not exist. 默认的外部子网不存在
MultipleDefaultExtNetwork There are multiple default ext network. 已经有多个默认外部网络
NetworkConnectRouter The specified network has connected with a router. 网络已经连接路由器
NetworkCidrInGre The cidr of network is in same range with that of router gre{0}. 私网cidr与该路由器下隧道{0}的本地网络或者目标网络在同一网段。
NetworkSubnetExist The subnet already exists in network. 网络中的子网已经存在
DeleteDenied.ResourceExist There are resources associate with the specified subnet, deleting is not permitted 子网下有相关资源,子网无法删除
NetworkUsedInSpecialLine The specified network is used in special-line. 网络已经被专线使用
DeleteDenied.DefaultSubnet Default subnets can not be deleted. 默认子网问鼎仙途听书软件删除
SubnetModifyError An error has occurred when modifying subnet. 修改子网发生错误
MissingParam.NewNetworkId The mandatory parameter Id of new network is missing. 新的网络标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.OldNetworkId The mandatory parameter Id of old network is missing. 旧的网络标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.NetworkIp The mandatory parameter IP of network is missing. 私有网络IP问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.NetworkDhcp The mandatory parameter Dhcp of network is missing. dhcp问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissigParam.SubnetId The mandatory parameter Id of subnet is missing. 子网的ID问鼎仙途听书软件为空
InterfaceDeleteError An error has occurred when deleting port. 删除网卡发生错误
NotFound.Interface The specified interface of base-level does not exist. 底层对应的网卡不存在
InterfaceShowError An error has occurred when showing the interface of base-level 查询底层网卡发生错误
NotFound.ExtInterface The specified ext interface does not exist. 外网网卡不存在
InterfaceUpdateError An error has occurred when updating port. 更新port发生错误
InterfaceCreateError An error has occurred when creating port. 创建网卡发生错误
InterfaceAttachError An error has occurred when attaching port. 挂载网卡发生错误
InterfaceDetachError An error has occurred when detaching port. 解挂网卡发生错误
InterfaceAttachFirewallError An error has occurred when attaching firewall. 网卡挂载防火墙发生错误
InterfaceSetBoradbandError An error has occurred when setting up broadband for Interface. 网卡设置带宽发生错误
InterfaceAutoDriverError An error has occurred in autodriver. autodriver发生错误
InterfaceQgaError An error has occurred in Qga. qga发生错误
InterfaceAttachedFloatIp A FloatIp is attached to interface of network. 网卡已经绑定浮动IP
InterfaceDisableError An error has occurred when disabling interface. 禁用网卡发生错误
InterfaceQosDelError An error has occurred when deleting Qos. 删除qos发生错误
MissingParam.InterfaceId The mandatory parameter Id of interface is missing. 网卡标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Router The specified router does not exist. 路由器不存在
EipNotAttached.RouterDiabaled Eip can not attach to instance, due to disabled router 云主机所在私网连接的路由器已关闭,所以无法绑定公网IP
IncorrectRouterStatus The current status of the router does not support this operation. 当前路由器状态的不支持此操作
NotFound.DefaultRouter The specified default router does not exist. 默认路由器不存在
RoutersNoMultiTunnel Can not have multiple tunnels between two routers. 两个路由器之间只能有一条隧道
IncorrectRouterStatus.NotNormal The status of router is not NORMAL. 当前路由器状态不正常
RouterLocked The router is locked. 路由器已被禁用,请联系管理员
RouterExtInterfaceExist The specified router already has ex-interface . 路由器已经有外网网卡
MissingParam.RouterId The mandatory parameter Id of router is missing. 路由器标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
IncorrectRouterProductStatus.NotNormal The router product-status must be normal. 路由器产品必须是正常状态
RouterNoExtInterface The router is not connected with the ext-interface. 路由器没有连接外部网络网卡
MissingParam.LocalRouterId The mandatory parameter Id of local router is missing. 本地路由器标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.RemoteRouterIp The mandatory parameter Ip of remote router is missing. 远端路由器ip问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.LocalRouterIp The mandatory parameter Ip of local router is missing. 本地路由器ip问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.RemoteRouterId The mandatory parameter Id of remote router is missing. 远端路由器标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
GreCreateError An error has occurred when creating gre. 创建gre隧道发生错误
GreCreateTimeOut Creating gre time out. 创建gre隧道超时
GreDelError An error has occurred when deleting gre. 删除gre隧道发生错误
Local&RemoteRouterSameIp The extranet ip of local Router and remote router are the same. 本地路由器跟目标路由器公网ip相同。
RouterVpnTunnelExist Tunnel or specialline already exist between the local router and the target router. 本地路由器跟目标路由器之间已经存在隧道或者专线。
MissingParam.RemoteCidr The mandatory parameter Cidr of third gre is missing. 三层GRE目标网络问鼎仙途听书软件为空。
RemoteCidrOverlap Remote network {0} and remote network {1} of the same router are in the same cidr. 目标网络{0}与该路由器连接的其他公网隧道的目标网络{1}在同一网段。
GreIpUsedInTunnel The point to point ip {0} is already taken by other tunnels of the same router. 点对点IP{0}已经被该路由器其他隧道使用。
RemoteCidr&VpnOverlap Remote cidr {0} overlaps with vpn address of the same router. 目标网络{0}跟该路由器的vpn服务下的网络地址在同一网段。
LocalNetworkCidrOverlap The cidr of local network subnet overlaps. 本地网络下的私网的cidr在同一网段。
RemoteNetworkCidrOverlap the cidr of remote network subnet overlaps. 目标网络下的私网的cidr在同一网段。
LocalNetworkCidrOverlap The cidr of local network subnet overlaps. 本地网络下的私网的cidr在同一网段。
RemoteNetworkCidrOverlap the cidr of remote network subnet overlaps. 目标网络下的私网的cidr在同一网段。
Remote&LocalNetworkCidrOverlap The cidr of local network overlaps with that of remote network . 本地网络cidr跟目标网络cidr在同一网段.
ExceedQuota.RemoteNetwork The amount of remote networks has exceeded limit. 目标网络个数问鼎仙途听书软件大于上限值.
MissingParam.RemoteNetwork The mandatory parameter RemoteNetwork is missing. 目标网络问鼎仙途听书软件为空。
MissingParam.LocalGreIp The mandatory parameter LocalGreIp is missing. 本地点对点ip问鼎仙途听书软件为空。
MissingParam.RemoteGreIp The mandatory parameter RemoteGreIp is missing. 对端点对点ip问鼎仙途听书软件为空。
LocalGreIpRepeatInRemote Local gre ip and remote gre ip can not be same. 本地Gre隧道ip跟目标Gre隧道ip问鼎仙途听书软件相同。
Loca&RemoteIpNotSameCidr Local gre ip and remote gre ip are not in same cidr. 本地Gre隧道ip跟目标Gre隧道ip不在同一网段。
Loca&RemoteIpExist One of the point to point ip already exists in the local tunnel. 点对点ip已经存在于该路由器的三层gre隧道中。
VpnServiceCreateError An error has occurred when creating vpn-service. 创建vpn服务发生错误
VpnServiceDelError An error has occurred when deleting vpn-service. 删除vpn服务发生错误
RouterNoInterface Router {0} not attached to interface. 路由器{0}未绑定网卡
RemoteCidrExistInTunnel Remote cidr {0} already exists in tunnel {1}. 目标网络{0}已经存在于隧道{1}中
RouterMultipleVpn The specified router has multiple vpn services. 路由器有多个vpn服务
NotFound.Vpn The specified vpn does not exist. vpn不存在
VpnCreateError An error has occurred when creating vpn. 创建VPN发生错误
VpnModifyError An error has occurred when modifying vpn. 修改vpn发生错误
IpSecCreateError An error has occurred when creating ipsec. ipsec创建失败.
IpSecDelError An error has occurred when deleting ipsec. 删除ipsec发生错误
LocalNetNotJoinRouter The local network is not connected with router. 本地网络没有连接路由器
RoutrExtInterfaceNoExist The ex-interface does not exist in router. 路由器不存在外网网卡
ExceedQuota.LocalNetwork The amount of local networks has exceed limit. 本地网络个数问鼎仙途听书软件大于上限
NotFound.LocalNetwork The specified local network does not exist. 本地网络不存在
IpsecPolicyShowError An error has occurred when showing ipsec policy. 查询ipsec策略发生错误
IkePolicyShowError An error has occurred when showing ike policy. 查询ike策略发生错误
RouterCreateError An error has occurred when creating router. 创建路由器发生错误
RouterModifyError An error has occurred when modifying router. 修改路由器发生错误
VpnConnectOpen The vpn connection of router is open. 路由器的vpn连接已打开
VpnAddressConflict There are conflicts between VPN addresses. vpn中网络地址冲突
RouterNetworkAddressConflict The specified Network address conflicts with existing router network addresses. 网络地址与路由器中其他网络地址冲突
VpnGreIpConflict The ip of openvpn conflicts with that of gre. openvpn中的ip与gre中的ip发生冲突
VpnGreCidrConflict The cidr of openvpn conflicts with that of gre. openvpn的cidr与gre中的cidr冲突
VpnConnectDelError An error has occurred when deleting vpn-connect. 删除vpn连接发生错误
VpnConnectCreateError An error has occurred when creating vpn-connect. 创建vpn连接发生错误
VpnCertDelError An error has occurred when deleting vpn-cert. 删除证书发生错误
VpnCertCreateError An error has occurred when creating vpn-cert. 创建vpn证书发生错误
MissingParam.VpnType The mandatory parameter Type of vpn is missing. VPN类型问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.VpnProtocol The mandatory parameter Protocol of vpn is missing. 协议问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.VpnId The mandatory parameter Id of vpn is missing. OpenVPN服务ID问鼎仙途听书软件为空
RouterMustEnabled The specified router must be enabled. 路由器启用状态必须是启用
RouterEnableFormatIncorrect The format of router's enable is incorrect. 路由器启用状态格式错误
RouterPortEndBiggerThanStart The end port must be bigger than the start port. 结束端口必须大于开始端口
RouterPortNumNotSame Ext port quantity is not same with that of inter port. 外部转发端口与内部转发端口数量不相等
RouterPortNotSame The range of ext port must be same with that of inter port. 外部端口范围必须与内部端口范围相同
NotFound,RouterPort The router port-forward-rule does not exist. 路由器转发规则不存在
ExtRouterPortExist The specified ext port already exists. 外部转发端口已存在
RemotePortIpNotInRouter The remote ip is not in range of router network. 目标IP地址不在路由器所在网络有效地址范围内
MissingParam.RouterPortId The mandatory parameter Id of port-forward-rule is missing. 转发规则ID问鼎仙途听书软件为空
RouterNetworkNotConnect The specified router is not connected with network. 路由器没有连接私网
RouterPortCreateError An error has occurred when creating router port forward rule. 创建转发规则发生错误
RouterPortDelError An error has occurred when deleting router port forward rule. 删除转发规则发生错误
NotFound.PptpConnect The specified pptp connection does not exist. pptp连接不存在
PptpAccountExist Pptp account already exists. pptp账号已经存在
ExceedQuota.PptpAccount The amount of pptp accounts has exceeded limit. pptp账号已经满额
PptpAccountCreateError An error has occurred when creating pptp account. 创建pptp账号发生错误
PptpAccountModifyError An error has occurred when modifying pptp account. 修改pptp账号发生错误
PptpAccountDelError An error has occurred when deleting pptp account. 删除pptp账号发生错误
NotFound.PptpAccount The specified pptp account does not exist. pptp账号不存在
MissingParam.PptpAccountId The mandatory parameter Id of pptp-acoount is missing. 账号Id问鼎仙途听书软件为空
PptpConnectOpen The pptp in router is open. 路由器中的pptp连接已经打开
PptpVpnCidrConflict The cidr of pptp conflicts with that of vpn. pptp中cidr与vpn中的cidr冲突
PptpNetCidrConflict The cidr of pptp conflicts with that of network. pptp的cidr与网络的cidr冲突
PptpGreIpConflict The ip of pptp conflicts with that of gre. pptp中的ip与gre中的ip冲突
PptpGreCidrConflict The cidr of pptp conflicts with that of gre. pptp的cidr与gre中的cidr冲突
PptpConnectCreateError An error has occurred when creating pptp connection. 创建pptp连接发生错误
PptpConnectModifyError An error has occurred when modifying pptp connection. 删除pptp连接发生错误
PptpConnectDelError An error has occurred when deleting vpn-connection. 删除vpn连接发生错误
NotFound.PptpService The specified pptp service does not exist. pptp服务不存在
MissingParam.PptpServiceId The mandatory parameter Id of pptp service is missing. PptpService标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
PptpServiceConnectMaxLimit The amount of pptp service connection must be less than or equal to {0}. 连接数必须小于等于{0}
ExceedQuota.RouterConnectNetwork The amount of networks connected to router has exceeded {0}. 路由器只能连接{0}个网络.
RouterConnectExtNetworkError An error has occurred when connecting ext-network. 路由器连接外部网络发生错误
RouterConnectNetworkError An error has occurred when connecting network. 路由器连接私网发生错误
RouterConnectNetwork The router has connected with a network. 路由器已经连接私网
RouterDelError An error has occurred when deleting router. 删除路由器发生错误
RouterOnlyConnectOneDefaultNet The default router can only connect to one default network. 默认路由器只能连接一个默认网络
RouterVpnCidrOverlap The cidr of network overlaps with that of router vpn{0}. 私网cidr与该路由器下vpn{0}的网络在同一网段.
RouterCidrExist The cidr already exists in other networks of router. cidr已存在于路由器中的其他网络
RouterNatUpdateError An error has occurred when updating port forwarding rules. 更新路由转发规则错误.
MissingParam.RouterNatProtocol The mandatory parameter Protocol of nat-rule is missing. 协议问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.RouterNatId The mandatory parameter Id of nat-rule is missing. 转发规则标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Gre The specified gre {0} does not exist. gre隧道{0}不存在
NotFound.Ipsec The specified ipsec{0} does not exist. ipsec隧道{0}不存在
RouterConnectFloatIp The specified router has connected with float ip. 路由器已经与浮动IP关联
DeleteDenied.RouterPrepaid The PayType of specified router is perpaid, deleting is not permitted. 包年包月下路由器问鼎仙途听书软件被删除
DeleteDenied.DefaultRouter The specified router is a Default router, deleting is not permitted. 默认路由器问鼎仙途听书软件被删除
RouterExistSpecialLineOrTunnel the router has special line or extranet tunnel. 路由器{0}在专线或者公网隧道中。
RouterUsedInSpecialLine The router is occupied by specical-line. 路由器被专线使用
RouterUsedInVpn The router is occupied by vpn. 路由器被vpn使用
RouterInterfaceLimitDvr Only router interface of network:router _ interface _ distributed can be deleted under dvr mode. dvr模式下只能删除设备所有者是network:router _ interface _ distributed的路由器网卡
DeleteDenied.DefaultRouterInterface The specified interface is a default router interface, deleting is not permitted. 默认路由器网卡问鼎仙途听书软件被删除
RouterNatDisableError An error has occurred when disabling router port forward rules. 禁用转发规则发生错误
RouterEnableError An error has occurred when enabling router port forward rules. 启用转发规则发生错误
NotFound.LocalRouterGre The local router of gre does not exist. 隧道对应的本地路由器不存在
GreModifyError An error has occurred when modifying gre. 修改gre隧道发生错误
IpsecModifyError An error has occurred when modifying ipsec. 修改ipsec发生错误
StartTunnelError An error has occurred when starting tunnel{0}. 启用隧道{0}失败。
RouterDisableError An error has occurred when disabling router. 禁用路由器发生错误
RouterHasVpnService The router {0} has vpn service. 路由器{0}存在关联资源vpn服务,请解除关联。
RouterHasNatRule The router {0} has nat rule. 路由器{0}下存在端口转发规则。
RouterHasExtranetIp The router {0} has eip or has fip. 路由器{0}绑定了公网ip。
RouterHasExtranetTunnel The router {0} has extranet tunnel. 路由器{0}存在公网隧道,请解除关联。
MissingParam.GreName The mandatory parameter Name of gre is missing. 隧道名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.GreType The mandatory parameter Type of gre is missing. 隧道类型问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.GreEnable The mandatory parameter Enable of gre is missing. 隧道状态问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.GreKey The mandatory parameter Key of gre is missing. 秘钥问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParamGreBandwidth The mandatory parameter Bandwidth of gre is missing. 带宽问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.GreId The mandatory parameter Id of gre is missing. 隧道标志问鼎仙途听书软件为空
SafeChangeFuncError The changefunctionstats operation of safedog returns error: {0}. 安全狗的功能开关配置修改接口返回了错误代码{0}
SafeChangeFtpBreakError The changeftpbreakconf operation of safedog returns error: {0}. 安全狗的FTP暴力破解防护配置修改接口返回了错误代码{0}
SafeChangeRemoteBreakError The changeremotebreakconf operation of safedog returns error: {0}. 安全狗的远程登录暴力破解防护配置修改接口返回了错误代码{0}
SafeChangeRemoteLoginError The changeremoteloginconf operation of safedog returns error: {0}. 安全狗的异地登录提醒配置修改接口返回了错误代码{0}
SafeChangeAgentStatError The changeagentstats operation of safedog returns error: {0}. 安全狗的Agent开关配置修改接口返回了错误代码{0}
SafeQueryFuncError The queryfunctionstats operation of safedog returns error: {0}. 安全狗的功能开关配置查询接口返回了错误代码{0}
MissingParam.SafeId The mandatory parameter Id of safedog is missing. 安全实例ID问鼎仙途听书软件为空
InvalidParam.AuthNum The parameter AuthNum is invaild. 认证数无效
SafeUpgradeError An error has occurred when upgrading safedog. 安全狗升级失败
MissingParam.SafeAgentId The mandatory parameter Id of safe-agent is missing. 管理中心ID问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeAgentVersion The mandatory parameter Version of safe-agent is missing. 版本问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeAgentManageUrl The mandatory parameter ManageUrl of safe-agent is missing. 管理地址问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeAgentOs The mandatory parameter OS of safe-agent is missing. 操作系统问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeAgentStatus The mandatory parameter Status of safe-agent is missing. 启用状态问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeAgentBit The mandatory parameter Bit of safe-agent is missing. 版本位数问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeAgentFileUrl The mandatory parameter FileUrl of safe-agent is missing. 文件地址问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeAgentMd5 The mandatory parameter Md5 of safe-agent is missing. MD5问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeId The mandatory parameter Id of safedog is missing. 安全产品参数ID问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.InstanceSafeId The mandatory parameter InstanceSafeId of safedog is missing. 安全产品参数InstanceSafeId问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeAuthNum The mandatory parameter AuthNum of safedog is missing. 授权数问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingPara.SafeType The mandatory parameter Type of safedog is missing. 安全产品名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeFtpBreakInter The mandatory parameter FtpBreakInter of safedog is missing. FTP暴破间隔时间问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeFtpBreakTime The mandatory parameter RtpBreakTimer of safedog is missing. FTP暴破间隔次数问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeRemoteBreakInter The mandatory parameter RemoteBreakInter of safedog is missing. 远程暴破间隔时间问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeRemoteBreakTime The mandatory parameter RemoteBreakTimer of safedog is missing. 远程暴破间隔次数问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeRemoteLogin The mandatory parameter Remotelogin of safedog is missing. 远程登录地问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeEnable The mandatory parameter Enable of safedog is missing. 可用状态问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeFtpBreakPort The mandatory parameter FtpBreakPorts of safedog missing. FTP暴破端口号问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SafeAlarmStatus The mandatory parameter AlarmStatus of safedog is missing. 告警状态问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Lb The specified loadbalance does not exist. 负载均衡器不存在
IncorrentLbStatus.Task The loadbalance is currently under another task, , wait until it finishes. 负载均衡器已经有任务操作,无法再执行其他操作
LbLocked the loadbalance is locked. 负载均衡器已被禁用,请联系管理员
LbApplyError An error has occurred when applying loadbalance. 同步负载均衡器发生错误
LbProductOvertime The loadbalance is due. 负载均衡器已到期,请先续费
LbProductArrearage The loadbalance is in arrearage. 负载均衡器已欠费,请先充值
LbExtInterfaceExist Ex-interface already exists in LB. 负载均衡器已经存在外网网卡
LbShowError An error has occurred when showing loadbalance. 查询负载均衡器发生错误
LbInterfaceNotExist No interface exists in specified LB. 负载均衡器不存在私网网卡
IncorrentLbProductStatus Loadbalance product status is not normal and the user is not admin. 该负载均衡器产品状态不正常且该用户不是管理员。
LbExistBakend Backend exists in specified LB. 负载均衡器存在后端服务
LbOverQuota The loadbalance batch creating limit is {0}. 当批量创建负载均衡器时,只能创建{0}个
LbCreateNeedIntranet Intranet is mandatory for loadbalance . 创建负载均衡器必须要私网
LbCreateIntranetOnlyOne Loadbalance only need one intranet. 创建负载均衡器只需要一个私网
LbCreateMustIntranet Intranet is mandatory when creating loadbalances. 创建负载均衡器必须要私网
LbHaNetError An error has occurred when getting LB HA network. 获取HA网络发生错误
NotFound.LbHaNet The specified LB HA network does not exist. 负载均衡器HA网络不存在
LbCreateError An error has occurred when creating loadbalance. 创建负载均衡器发生错误
LbInterfaceExist Interface already exists in lb. 负载均衡器已经存在私网网卡
LbModifyError An error has occurred when modifying LB Cert. 修改证书发生错误
MissingParam.LbId The mandatory parameter Id of loadbalance is missing. 负载均衡器ID问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.LbType The mandatory parameter Type of loadbalance is missing. 配置问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.Listener The specified LB listener does not exist. 监听器不存在
ListenerOverQuotaInLb The loadbalance can have {0} listener. 负载均衡器只能创建{0}个监听器
CookieNameMissing Cookie _ name that comes with APP _ COOKIE is missing. APP _ COOKIE必须要要输入cookie _ name
InvalidParam.SessionPersistenceType The parameter SessionPersistenceType is not valid. SessionPersistenceType参数错误
ListenerPortOccupied The port is occupied by other listeners. 端口被其他监听器占用
MissingParam.PemId The mandatory parameter PemId is missing. 参数PemId问鼎仙途听书软件为空
ListenerHeathTcp The method must be TCP for listeners of TCP. 如果监听器是TCP,健康检查也必须是TCP
ListenerHeathUrlLength The length of URL must within 1-1000. URL长度只能在1-1000
ListenerHeathHttpMethod The http-method can either be get or post. http-method只能是get或者post
IncorrectListenerHeathHttpStatus The http-status of specified listener is incorrect. http-status不对.
ListenerHeathHttpMethodError The health method of specified listener is incorrect. health-method不对
InvalidParam.ListenerHeath The parameters of health listener are not valid. 健康检查参数不对
ListenerCreateError An error has occurred when creating LB Listener. 创建监听器发生错误
ListenerDelError An error has occurred when deleting LB Listener. 删除监听器发生错误
ListenerModifyError An error has occurred when modifying LB Listener. 修改监听器发生错误
MissingParam.ListenerId The mandatory parameter Id of listener is missing. 监听器问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.ListenerMethod The mandatory parameter Method of listener is missing. 载均衡器METHOD问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.ListenerProtocol The mandatory parameter Protocol of listener is missing. 协议问鼎仙途听书软件为空
ListenerSessionLengthLimit the length of session must within {0}-{1}. 会话保持长度只能在{0}-{1}之间
ListenerConnectMinLimit The number of connections must be greater than {0}. 连接数必须大于{0}
ListenerConnectMaxLimit The number of connections must be less than {0}. 连接数必须小于{0}
NotFound.LbCert The specified LB Cert does not exist. 不存在证书
LbCertPublicPrivateNotMatch Public key mismatch with private key. 证书内容和私钥不匹配
LbCertFormatError The format of cert is incorrect. 证书格式错误
LbCertCreatError An error has occurred when creating LB Cert. 创建证书发生错误
LbCertDelError An error has occurred when deleting LB Cert. 删除证书发生错误
MissingParam.LbCertId The mandatory parameter Id of LB Cert is missing. 证书ID问鼎仙途听书软件为空
LbCertInUse the lb-cert is in use. 证书正在被使用
MissingParam.LbCertKey The mandatory parameter Key of LB Cert is missing. PEM私钥问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.LbCertCertificate The mandatory parameter Certificate of LB Cert is missing. PEM参数Certificate问鼎仙途听书软件为空
VmOccupied Vm is occupied by backend {0}. 云主机正在被后端服务{0}使用
NotFound.Backend The specified Backend does not exist. 后端服务不存在
BackendExistPolicy The backend is attached to policy. 后端服务已经挂载到转发策略
BackendDelListenerError An error has occurred when deleting listener in backend. 删除后端服务监听器发生错误
BackendAttachPolicyError An error has occurred when attaching policy. 挂载转发策略发生错误
BackendDetachPolicyError An error has occurred when detaching policy. 解挂转发策略发生错误
BackendDelPolicyError An error has occurred when deleting policy in backend. 删除后端服务中的转发策略发生错误
BackendShowError An error has occurred when showing backend. 查询后端服务发生错误
BackendCreateError An error has occurred when creating loadbalance. 创建负载均衡器发生错误
BackendAttachListenerError An error has occurred when attaching listener in backend. 挂载后端服务监听器发生错误
BackendDelError An error has occurred when deleting backend. 删除后端服务发生错误
BackendSamePort The backend with same port already exists. 相同端口的后端服务已经存在
ExceedQuota.LbListenerBackend The amount of lb-listener backends has exceeded {0} . 监听器后端服务超出{0}个的限额
BackendNoAttachPolicy The backend is not attached to policy. 后端服务没有挂载转发策略
BackendUpdateListenerError An error has occurred when updating listener in backend. 更新后端服务监听器发生错误
BackendModifyError An error has occurred when modifying backend. 修改后端服务发生错误
MissingParam.BackendId The mandatory parameter Id of backend is missing. 后端服务标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.BackendWeight The mandatory parameter Weight of backend is missing. 权重问鼎仙途听书软件为空
BackendWeightMinLimit The minimum weight of backend is {0}. 权重最小为{0}
BackendWeightMaxLimit the maximum weight of backend is {0}. 权重最大为{0}
NotFound.Policy The specified policy does not exist. 转发策略不存在
PolictCreateNotTcp The policy can only be created for listeners that are not tcp. 如果监听器是TCP,不可以创建转发策略
ExceedQuota.Policy The amount of lbpolicies has exceeded {0}. 转发策略只能创建{0}个.
PolicyCreateError An error has occurred when creating lbpolicy. 创建转发策略发生错误
PolicyDelError An error has occurred when deleting lbpolicy. 删除转发策略发生错误
MissingParam.PolicyId The mandatory parameter Id of lbpolicy is missing. 转发策略标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.PolicyEnable The mandatory parameter Enabled of lbpolicy is missing. 是否启用问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.PolicyOperator The mandatory parameter Operator of lbpolicy is missing. Operator问鼎仙途听书软件为空
PolicyPriorityMinLimit The lowest priority is {0}. 优先级最小为{0}.
PolicyPriorityMaxLimit The highest priority is {0}. 优先级最大为{0}.
MissingParam.PolicyType The mandatory parameter Type of lbpolicy is missing. 策略类型问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.PolicyValue The mandatory parameter Value of lbpolicy is missing. 策略值问鼎仙途听书软件为空
PolicyKeyLengthLimit The maximum length of key is {0}. 键最长1000个字符
PolicyValueLengthLimit The maximum length of value is {0}. 值最长1000个字符
ExceedQuota.PolicyRule The amount of lbpolicy-rule has exceeded {0}. 转发策略规则只能创建{0}个.
MissingParam.PolicyRuleValue The mandatory parameter Value of policy rule is missing. 规则value问鼎仙途听书软件为空
PolicyRuleKeyMethPath The key is not needed when the type is method or path. 当类型是method或者path时,不需要key
PolicyRuleOpMethPath The op is mandatory when the type is method or path. 如果类型是method或path时,操作符是必须的
PolicyRuleOpMethod The op must be {0} when the type is method. 当类型是method时,操作符必须是{0}
PolicyRuleValueMethod The value must be {0} when the type is method. 当类型是method时,value必须是{0}
PolicyRuleKeyValueHeadCookie Key and Value are mandatory when Type is head or cookie. 当类型是head或者cookie时,key和value必须要
PolicyRuleValueRangeError The range format is incorrect,the values must in ascending order, e.g: 1:5 数值范围格式不正确,正确格式形如1:5(开始值小于结束值,以冒号分隔)
PolicyRuleValueRangeStartEnd The end value must be bigger than the start value. 数值范围不正确,开始值必须小于结束值
InvalidParam.PolicyRuleValue The paremeter Value of PolicyRule must be integer. Value不是整数
InvalidParam.PolicyRuleType The paremeter Type of PolicyRule is incorrect. Type参数不正确
PolicyRuleCreateError An error has occurred when creating lbpolicy-rule. 创建转发策略规则发生错误
PolicyRuleDelError An error has occurred when deleting lbpolicy-rule. 删除转发策略规则发生错误
NotFound.PolicyRule The specified LB policy-rule does not exist. 转发策略规则不存在
PolicyAttachBackend The policy is attached to backend. 转发策略已经挂载后端服务
PolicyModifyError An error has occurred when modifying lbpolicy. 修改转发策略发生错误
PolicyRuleModifyError An error has occurred when modifying lbpolicy-rule. 修改转发策略规则发生错误
MissingParam.PolicyRuleId The mandatory parameter Id of policy rule is misssing. 策略规则问鼎仙途听书软件为空
IronicFloatIpExist The float-ip of ironic exits. 物理机已经存在浮动IP
IronicPortExist The port of ironic exists. 物理机网卡已经存在
MissingParam.IronicId The mandatory parameter Id of ironic is missing. 物理机标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.IronicUuid The mandatory parameter Uuid of ironic is missing. 物理机Uuid问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.IronicMac The mandatory parameter Mac of ironic is missing. Mac问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.IronicPortUuid The mandatory parameter PortUuid of ironic is missing. portUuid问鼎仙途听书软件为空
NotFound.SpecialLine The specified SpecialLine does not exist. 专线不存在
SpecialLineNotGrethird The type of special line must be GRETHIRD. 专线类型必须是三层
IncorrentSpecialLineStatus.Task The special-line is currently under another task, wait until it finishes. 当前专线有任务操作,无法再执行其他操作
NotFound.SpecialLineRegion The specified region does not exist in special-line. 专线对应的机房不存在
SpecialLineIntranetNotInRouter The intranet is connected with routers that are not connected with special-line. 网络已经连接到没有连接专线的路由器
SpecialLineCidrExist Cidr already exists in special-line. 专线中已经存在CIDR
SpecialLineNeedTwoRegion There has to be two regions for special-line to bridge between. 专线必须有2个机房
NotFound.SpecialLineNetwork The specified network of SpecialLine does not exist. 专线对应的网络不存在
SpecialLineNetworkOnlyOne Only one SpecialLine network can exists in SpecialLine. 专线中只能有一个专线网络
SpecialLineNetworkCidrNotSame The cidrs of SpecialLine networks must not be identical. 专线中网络的CIDR问鼎仙途听书软件一样
InvalidParam.SpecialLineVpnType The parameter vpn-type of special-line is incorrect. 专线的VPN类型错误
NotFound.SpecialLineProduct The specified product of special-line does not exist. 专线相关产品不存在
SpecialLineStatusCreateError An error has occurred when creating special-line. 创建专线发生错误
SpecialLineIpInUse The specified ip is already in use. IP已经被使用
SpecialLineIpNotEnoughInP2P The ips of p2p are not enough in special-line. 点对点ip不够使用
SpecialLineIpCidrNoDefine The cidr is not defined in p2p. 未定义点对点ip对应的cidr
SpecialLineAddRouterError An error has occurred when adding Router {1} of Region {0} to SpecialLine {2}. {0}机房,路由器:{1}加入专线网络:{2}失败
NoSpecialLineInRegion The region {0} has no special line. {0}机房未创建专线网络
MoreSpecialLineInRegion The region {0} has multiple special lines. {0}机房录入了多个专线网络
SpecialLineCidrLimit When creating special-lines, IntranetIds must either all in the same Cidr or none of them share the same Cidr. 创建专线,所选子网必须全部在同一个网段,或者全部都不在同一个网段
NetNoConnectRouterInRegion There are networks in region {0} that are not connected to routers. 机房{0}下私有网络没有连接路由器
MissingParam.SpecialLineId The mandatory parameter Id of special-line is missing. 专线标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SpecialLineRegion The mandatory parameter Region of special-line is missing. 机房标识问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SpecialLineBandwidth The mandatory parameter Bandwidth of special-line is missing. 带宽问鼎仙途听书软件为空
MissingParam.SpecialLineName The mandatory parameter Name of special-line is missing. 专线名称问鼎仙途听书软件为空